Cedar Hedges Can be Damaged by Snow & Ice

Posted on November 27, 2017 by Dennis Slade

Tis’ the season for dramatic temperature fluctuations Kelowna! Your cedar hedge can be luscious and green one moment and then covered with icy snow build-up the next. While many clients focus on clearing their driveways, walks and decks, it is vital to keep track of your precious evergreens every time it snows as well. Hedgehog Cedar Pros in Kelowna reminds you to watch for the following issues and be proactive in maintaining the health and wellbeing of your trees this winter season.

Cedar Hedge Proactive Fall Maintenance 

Having your cedars professionally trimmed prior to winter can help create a solid foundation for the rest of the season. Fall maintenance may include wrapping younger and less established cedars with burlap or snow covers and tying wanton branches closer to the tree with a soft material. Avoid using rope and abrasive twine as it can create further damage as the branches can see-saw back and forth in the wind, creating deep gashes in the tree. Some clients enjoy the aesthetic of gently spiral tying their trees for the season as part of their maintenance to protect from damage while providing the birds with a safe shelter that won’t disintegrate during the winter.

Heavy, Bending Branches

While it is common for snow to sit picturesquely on top of your cedars similar to a giant white hat, it eventually may shift down into the branches and wreak havoc as heaviness sets in. This can be detrimental to your newest growth and severely damage the tree. Freezing and thawing temperatures combined with harsh winds can be responsible for packing the snow deeper into your hedge. The middle portion of cedars is commonly filled with brown spots if the sunshine is unable to penetrate. These browner locations close to the trunk of the cedar can accumulate winter precipitation. Try gently shaking off accumulations prior to shovelling your driveway and whenever you are conducting snow maintenance in your yard for best results. Using a soft broom is a great way to dislodge snow from your top branches. Securing long garden stakes on either side of drooping branches that have bent down and tying them can help re-train the growth to a better upright position.

Repairing Splits

Unfortunately, it may only take one freak winter storm to cause splitting and excessive damage to your cedar and evergreen branches. Depending on the issue, trees can often heal themselves with some support. Tying up the split portion of the branches with a soft material that will not cut into the bark can help the tree prevent more damage and potentially heal the break. Many arborists recommend tying the damaged branch 3” below the break and 3” above to offer the required stability.

Kelowna Cedar Specialists, Call Us Today! 

Winter can definitely be harsh. Often, the snow surprises us as we were meaning to provide one last extensive fall watering session. Once the snow is on the ground for a while, we have to be cognizant of salt on driveways and sidewalks leaching into our lawn and garden. Even the gorgeous green shades you adore can become yellow and sunburnt once the sunlight begins reflecting constantly off the snow. There are a host of issues to be aware of. If you notice that your evergreens are not looking as healthy or happy as they could be, feel free to give Hedgehogs Cedar Pros a call and we will be happy to come and take a look!