Yard & Cedar Tree Maintenance Tips for Kelowna’s Winter

Posted on January 17, 2018 by Dennis Slade

In the land of the hot and dry, it can feel like winter will never arrive when it is 38* in the Okanagan shade during the height of summer! However, don’t get caught unprepared. Once the temperature drops, it can leave little time to blow out the sprinklers and prepare your garden, lawn, shrubs and trees for snow and frost. Hedgehogs Cedar Pros in Kelowna has some great advice to help you prepare your yard for a dormant winter and a succulent spring!

Blow Out Irrigation Before Halloween

A main component of winter maintenance needs to be completed in the fall. Blowing out your irrigation with an air compressor yourself or hiring a professional to do it is essential to protecting your Okanagan irrigation and entire vegetation. Leaving minute amounts of water in your pipes or sprinkler heads is all it takes to destroy entire watering lines. There is nothing more frustrating than discovering shattered PVC pipe in your yard in the spring and having to trench up your entire perimeter to fix all of the leaks. It is worth every penny to have your irrigation system professionally looked after, or take the time to learn how to complete this task yourself. There is no getting around it unless you are switching to a Xeriscape or low water garden variety.

Clean Gutters From Debris

Another vital fall maintenance job is essential in our pine needle rich landscape. Clearing out your gutters every spring and fall will save your roof and your lawn and garden from copious amounts of debris. Effectively working and free flowing gutters provide ideal rainwater for collecting or re-routing into your garden or lawn. If the water is plugged with terrible leaves, twigs, branches and birds’ nests etc. you will not be able to maximize this free water and save greatly on your water bill!

Winter Lawn and Garden Fertilization

Certain types of grass (think cool season grasses including Bluegrass and Bermuda) enjoy being fed during fall and winter months. It is important to time this feeding cycle prior to the first freeze. Imagine replenishing the nutrients after a long and vigorous growing season and the toll taken after a blazing hot, dry summer. Your grass roots will feast all winter long and be eager to thrive next spring!


Mowing Smart Discourages Pests & Increases Spring Growth

Many Kelowna residents enjoy keeping their grass slightly longer during the summer months to prevent cutting it too short and getting nasty brown spots everywhere. It can be tempting to suddenly go super short on your last mow of the season; however, this can be traumatic for your lawn. Instead, try to gradually lower your mower height during the last few mows to prevent shocking your root system. Leaving your grass too long can invite mice and other creatures looking for a cozy location under the snow, creating a wealth of damage.

Perennial Plant Protection

Cutting away all of your brown, mushy and dead perennial plants prior to the snow will simplify your spring clean up and prevent mold and microbes from settling in. Try to let the plants conserve as much energy as they can prior to cutting anything back. New plants may benefit from a layer of mulch up to 3 inches thick to protect juvenile root systems.

Save Young Shrubs & Cedars

Established evergreens do not require as much TLC as new trees. Hedgehogs Cedar Pros in Kelowna reminds clients to take into consideration wind, sand and UV exposure during the winter months. Some first and second year trees may benefit from a loose protective wrapping. Winter snowfalls can dramatically bend and bow branches. Help your evergreens out by gently shaking snow off to reduce the weight and save from breakage.

Dormant Spray For Your Fruit and Nut Trees

In our harvest rich landscape, many have planted grapes, fruit trees and nut trees, as they thrive within our climate. Research your tree varieties and determine which type of dormant spray can help protect your trees through the winter. Many prefer hiring a professional to spray your trees, while others enjoy treating their nursery stock themselves. Speak with your local nursery as part of your research. Ensure you wear protective gear if you are spraying your own treatments.

Hedgehogs Cedar Pros Encourages You To Respect Your Sleeping Landscape This Winter

Encourage family and friends to stay on your sidewalks and footpaths paths to reduce lawn traffic during the winter. Stomping on sleeping vegetation can dramatically influence what will come up next spring. Of course, now is the ideal time of year to sit back with a cup of tea and plan this year’s garden! Hedgehogs Cedar Pros looks forward to working with you again in the spring!